Repin Ilya

Ilya Repin and Isaac Brodsky in the Winter Palace, 1917
Ilya Repin and Isaac Brodsky in the Winter Palace, 1917 working on the portrait of Alexander Kerensky

Ogonyok magazine, November 1926

#4 2004 (05)

T. Petrusevich

Ilya Repin
Ilya Repin

Photograph with a presentation inscription: “To dearest Alexander Vladimirovich Zhirkevich as a keepsake. Ilya Repin. March 17 1890”

Leo Tolstoy Museum, Moscow

#2 2010 (27), #4 2016 (53)

Natalya Zhirkevich-Podlesskikh

Session of the State Council in the Mariinsky Palace. Left part of the hall.1901
Session of the State Council in the Mariinsky Palace. Left part of the hall. 1901

Photo by Ilya Repin


Russian Academy of Arts

#3 2010 (28)

Natalya Gorlenko

Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaievich. 1901
Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaievich. 1901

Photograph by Ilya Repin

Russian Academy of Arts

#3 2010 (28)

Natalya Gorlenko

Alexei Ignatiev. Session of the State Council. 1901
Alexei Ignatiev. Session of the State Council. 1901

Photograph by Ilya Repin. Detail

Archive of the Russian Academy of Arts

#3 2010 (28)

Natalya Gorlenko

A cook posing for princess Sofia Alexeevna. End of 1870s
A cook posing for princess Sofia Alexeevna. End of 1870s

Photo by Ilya Repin

Archive of the Russian Academy of Arts

#3 2010 (28)

Natalya Gorlenko

Ilya Repin. 1884
Ilya Repin. 1884

Photo with an inscription to Vera Tretyakova

Department of Manuscripts, Tretyakov Gallery

#3 2012 (36)

Yelena Terkel

Ilya Repin with the painting “The Hopak Dance (The Zaporozhye Cossacks Dancing)”
Ilya Repin with the painting “The Hopak Dance (The Zaporozhye Cossacks Dancing)”

Photograph. 1927

#1 2019 (62)

Tatyana Yudenkova

Vera Repina with her daughter, Nadezhda  1874-1875
Vera Repina with her daughter, Nadezhda 1874-1875


Department of Manuscripts, Tretyakov Gallery

#1 2019 (62)

Yelena Terkel

Ilya Repin. 1874
Ilya Repin. 1874


Department of Manuscripts, Tretyakov Gallery

#1 2019 (62)

Yelena Terkel

Ilya Repin with his son Yury at the Eiffel Tower during their visit to the World
Ilya Repin with his son Yury at the Eiffel Tower during their visit to the World Fair, Paris [1889]


Department of Manuscripts, Tretyakov Gallery

#1 2019 (62)

Yelena Terkel

Ilya Repin. 1901
Ilya Repin. 1901


Department of Manuscripts, Tretyakov Gallery


#1 2019 (62)

Yelena Terkel

Ilya Repin. Portrait of Ivan Leontiev (Shcheglov)
Ilya Repin. Portrait of Ivan Leontiev (Shcheglov)

Published in the writer’s obituary, “Niva” (Grainfield) magazine, 1911, no. 28

#1 2019 (62)

Irina Zhukova