Ferrari Jacopo

Ferrari Jacopo. The Muse of Tragedy
The Muse of Tragedy

Wall panel.

A detail of a painting in the Theatre room

Tempera on canvas

Scientific Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg

#4 2014 (45)

Veronica Bogdan

Ferrari Jacopo. The Muse of Comedy
The Muse of Comedy

Wall panel

A detail of a painting in the Theatre room

Tempera on canvas

Scientific Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg

#4 2014 (45)

Veronica Bogdan

Ferrari Jacopo. Part of a plafond of the Theatre room
Part of a plafond of the Theatre room

A detail of a painting in the Tauride Palace

Tempera on canvas

Scientific Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg

#4 2014 (45)

Veronica Bogdan

Ferrari Jacopo. Part of a plafond of the Theatre room
Part of a plafond of the Theatre room

A detail of a painting in the Tauride Palace

Tempera on canvas

Scientific Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts, St. Petersburg

#4 2014 (45)

Veronica Bogdan